
electriXmas 2024

There will be no electriXmas in 2024.

It’s been a hard decision and the reasons are many, not least of which being that recent years have been a tough economic climate for everyone. This has meant that it’s been increasingly harder for music events, especially in the alternative scene, to be economically viable. And by “economically viable” we mean "break even and cover all costs".
Contrary to what many people may believe, events like electriXmas don’t make massive profits. In fact in many cases they run at a loss. None of the people who run electriXmas, who work hard and invest many hours of their time, actually get paid or even have their own costs covered.

We are going to take this year off to reevaluate the event and it’s future.

To all of our regular attendees who year after year come to electriXmas regardless of the bands that are performing, we thank you wholeheartedly for your dedication and support. We really wish there were more people like you. We’re sorry to disappoint you this year.

If you want to support the event please feel free to make a supporter donation.
Your contribution will be gratefully received.

We’ll be back later with more information regarding what happens next.